i'm confused
i'll try making excuse
i'm not in loose
why don't you understand
i'm a women with my own stands
i have my own toughts
i have my own voice
i have my own dignity
that usually people call it independency
i rather do it my way
i know what i like
i know what i want
to breath in my own way
it's complicated for you to understand
but have you ever felt like it's your life and
it's you who should take control?
it's not like toworrow the end of everything
just that, i'm gasping here
and i thought you could listen and hear
what i'm trying to tell you
that i'm nothing here but just a statue.
ak paham ida...hati orang bile2 kite ley dapt.duit bile2 bley carik..tp kepercayaan take years to build..pengalaman mengajar kite ida..kite x ley salakan pengalaman kite kan (^_^)
sebaliknye kite jdkan iktibar..chewah!!..hehe
ak taw ade satu statement :
"Jgn bermimpi bersuamikan lelaki seperti Nabi Muhammad jika diri tidak Seanggun Siti Khadijah..Tp Jagn bermimpi memiliki perempuan sperti SIti zulaikha jika diri tidak setampan Nabi Yusof."
Ape yang datang mybe da ditetapkan oleh Tuhan..Baik or buruk kite x kan taw.tp x elok menolak pemberian tuhan kan. melainkan menerima dengan hati terbuka n bersungguh2 usahakannye...
hehe.. tq!!
betol la pe ko ckp .. ;)
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